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RECIPE TO MAKE BLUEBERRY CHEESECAKE                                                                                        INGREDIENTS 2 cups cream cheese 6 cups whipped cream 2tbsp gelatin 3/4 fresh milk 4 egg yolks 1 cup sugar 2 tbsp vanilla essence 2 tbsp lime juice 1 cup digestive biscuit (crushed) 3 tbsp butter, melted       For the topping: 1/2 cup blueberry filling  1 tbsp gelatin 2 cups water       PROCEDURE   In a bowl, mix the crushed biscuits with the butter. Spread it at the bottom of a dish and smoothen with a spoon. Now, freeze it till it becomes hard.  In a separate bowl , mix the cream cheese with the vanilla essence and the lime juice. Mix it well. Dissolve the gelatin with 1-1/2 cups of cold water and keep aside. Boil milk in a pan. In another bowl, mix the egg yolks and sugar. Add 2tbs of the boiling milk. Now add this entire mixture to the pan with the milk. Cook on slow fire to pasteurize the eggs and thicken the mixture. Keep stirring constantly. Remove from the





  • Bread flour 1 kg
  • Salt 20gm
  • sugar 20gm
  • Yeast 35gm
  • Water 800ml
  • Garlic (fine chopped) 50gm


  1. Mix all the the ingredients together.
  2. Whisk yeast and water until yeast is completely dissolved.
  3. Slowly add water to the dry ingredients and knead into a soft dough until gluten formation.
  4. Leave the dough covered with a damp medium cloth for kench proving 
  5. Knock back the dough divide into 40gm balls.
  6. Apply garlic over the balls after shaping into desired shape after proving the balls.
  7. Leave it for two minute at 200 degrees celsius steam baking.
  8. Then bake it on 200 degrees celsius for around 10-15 minutes or until bread is cooled.
  9.  Thereafter, dry it at 160 degrees celcius  for 10-15 minutes.


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